
Moutan Cortex prices fell slightly in Wuma town of Bozhou city, Anhui province on March 24

source:Yaotongwang  Market:BoZhou  To view:769times  time:2025-03-24 15:39:36.0


Moutan Cortex today Wumaji market slightly increased than the previous set of goods, 17-18 tons, the supply is mainly based on white Dan Chen goods, the market is not many merchants, the supply volume is 30-40%, the price is slightly lower than the previous set, now black Dan small Chen goods 50 yuan, can be sliced new goods 55-60 yuan, about 70 yuan; Bai Dan Xiaotong 70 yuan, unified goods 85 yuan, Datong 90-100 yuan, select goods 120 yuan.

(This information is provided by Mr. Ding 13965799629, Wuma Town Information Station, Bozhou City, Anhui Province)

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