
Asteris Radix et Rhizoma Market is Stable in Shi jiuli Town,Bozhou City, Anhui Province

source:Yaotongwang  Market:BoZhou  To view:582times  time:2025-02-17 11:11:38.0


The volume of Asteris Radix et Rhizoma in today's market in Shijiu Li is 50-60 tons, and there are many onlookers. As of 9:40 am, the transaction volume is around 60%, and the market continues to remain stable. The current transaction price of goods is between 8-10 yuan; The full inspection fee is still between 14-15 yuan, and the full inspection fee for washed samples is between 22-24 yuan; The price of non inspected films varies between 16-20 yuan due to differences in quality and clarity.

 (This information is provided by Mr. Ma 18156744699 from Qiaocheng District Information Station, Bozhou City, Anhui Province.)

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